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dorbin2009 said:
Here's the problem.

Very few graphically intensive games are built with the PC in mind. If you take Crysis out, (and even then , I believe I read somewhere that the company is going to be putting the Console as its priority in the future), then what you have left is a plethora of strategy, RTS, and ports coming to the PC.

So while you can "make" a PC that would crush any console on the market, you wouldn't be able to take advantage of it nearly as much as you used to be able to.

because the number of PC gamer's vs' game console's is pretty much a moot point anyway now, because most if not all the main game's that are being released will also be for game console's also.

that's one of the big points about both Microsoft and to a lesser extent Sony.

the more software game's that are being made today are not just hitting the PC are also going to the game console's, because this time the game console's have high enough spec's to be about even with the min. system requirement's of PC's to run the same game. the same will be with the next generation also. the High end PC gamer spec's is nice and all , but the developer's would need far more sale's to that high level of spec's in the market to make that the priority of development, which is most likely never going to happen.

Due to the cost involved for the consumer.

the big point is :

yes you can have the PC to outstrip any game console, but not enough to matter where it matter's most for the developer

high end  PC spec's = small market


low end PC specs+game console's= large market

it's a matter of number's which the high end PC gamer rig's will most likely never attain due to cost.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.