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Domicinator said:
KillerMan said:
Slimebeast said:
leo-j said:
Im not even going to post an argument since the internet is consisting of PC fans everywhere, so let me not even say a thing. Ive had several crysis arguments before

Too bad. We need your support leo. To break the myth of PC superiority.

It is a fact that PC is superior when it comes to graphics. It's not myth.

Agreed--it's definitely not a myth.  The PC is capable of much better graphics than the consoles.  The question is if the juice is worth the squeeze.  In most cases, it's really not. 


100% agreement, the cost of getting a PC to get to the spec's that people as gamer's want is too rich for my blood, I look at it as if you want to game on the PC that's fine but with more and more gamer's In MY OPINION loot to game on the console over the PC due to the cost mainly. 

YES the PC will alway's have the SPEC's to overshadow the game Console. but unlike before the developer's for platforms are going to determine the system requirement's of game's, and for all of the Spec's that the PC is able to get there is still the min. requirement's to run any game and that is what the developer mainly target's to gather the most gamer's. the very high end spec's is all very good and nice but very few have those high spec's without spending more money.

that's One reason why looking at this generation , the console game machines are getting more high quality PC game's more than they ever did before. so some gamer's view updating their PC is pretty much a waste of money, since most of the big game's are across both the console's and PC's. 


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.