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PC has had the ability to out pace consoles for over 2 years if not since the consoles launched, but the problem is the smaller install base of gaming riggs incomparison to every other computer, and piracy, which at the end of the day is the biggest culprit...ask crytek.

so when a company wants to make a graphically intense game they have to consider first what are the average specs of computers out there on the market and then use that as the lowest setting and work up, and then theirs the fact of how much piracy will affect their bottom line....allot of PC developers have figured that it's better to leverage their games on console since piracy is much much lower, and graphics are somewhat high end...well at least the specs are a known factor, and as a business one can not turn away from something that has a higher chance of generating profit rather than risking it all for what? reputation?...reputation won't pay the bills, and a business if all about making money as it's the only way to stay alive in the scene.

Now given all the above, what we have today is just a repercussion of what most have already known for years as being a problem on PC, but now there is a solution which benefits everyone...except wii owners, Nintendo phase shifted their business 90 degrees from everyone else, but it doesn't matter, different market, different taste in games...either way theirs something for everyone.