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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Reasonable said:

However, what we need to see on consoles, IMHO, is more of the mod/editing community that exists on PC.

Good post.

That said, while many gamers would like to see a mod community for consoles, it is absolutely moot when it comes to the future of gaming, and the migration of developers.

The best thing about PC gaming is the mod community.

However, they've never been a dealbreaker. Just an extra, and not enough people care enough about them to affect anything about the future.

I think you understand that, and yes, your post is very accurate.

As a PC heavy gamer, you put it a lot more gently than I usually do.

Well, unlike certain PC gamers (BTW I have PS3 and Wii and play on 360 also, so I'm not exclusive on PC) I'm not at all bitter about the shift, nor do I see it as anything to mourn.

I want to play games, all sorts of games, and the HW, whether a PC or a console is just the delivery mechanism for me.  I have no trouble moving to consoles, so long as they support varied games, etc. which they are shaping up to do quite nicely.

I think the mod community is a bit more important than you note, because it allows not just for game extensions, some fantastic ideas and a lot of free content, but it also feeds the gaming industry.  Many developers such as Epic, id, Valve, etc. have taken talent that may never have been noticed without mods.

Also, I've enjoyed building levels myself, and I would mourn an environment where I couldn't create my own quest, dialogue, etc. in something like Oblivion or Fallout 3.  For me mods/editors are the last great PC element that needs to cross over to consoles.

BTW I hope you don't mind my post in reply to your images - but trust me, as someone who's coded in the past, and has access to non-gaming, high end graphical programs for architectural design, etc. you never want to post images and imply that a PC couldn't surpass any visual image delivered on a console this gen.




Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...