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ZenfoldorVGI said:
shio said:



lawl? the current generation of consoles can barely handle HDR lighting, how are they even close to eachother?

There's a pretty difference between GT4 and Crysis. You must be blind for not seeing it.



Assuming we both meant GT5...

I must be blind then.

(Crysis Very High)

Unlike your shots, mine aren't even cherrypicked. They come up on the first pages with a good search.

Now, I'm not saying that there isn't a graphical difference between PC and console. It's rather significant. I'm just saying that the difference is embellished, hardly generational, and unimportant.

Using graphics as a crutch to prop up a poor PC gaming argument isn't gonna work for much longer anyway, so I can just wait you out.

Zen, don't be silly.  Whatever game you quote on console could be delivered with additional graphical capabilities and resolution on a PC of sufficient strengh.

This is silly.  You can't just limit PC tech to games.  PCs are used for all sorts of high end graphics and simulators and technically they are, looking to currently available graphical cards, memory levels, etc. far more powerful than HD consoles.

They real point is that fewer and fewer games are likely to aim for the full potential of a PC version vs the lower cost but probably higher selling console version.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...