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1) Super Robot Wars, Samurai Warriors - same stuff has PS3. Those Dynasty warriors and Gundams selling a lot on PS3.
MH3 was more like exception, and DQX probably coming in 2011 or 2012. Since FFXIIIv and FFXIV coming in near future.
I see Yakuza 4, new WKC for PS3. And many PS360 multipaltform(like RE5, SF4, LP2) games, which have more effect on PS3 sales in Japan.
I really don`t see Wii as having as much 3rd party support with big budget titles, like PS3 has(mostly thanks to x360) in Japan.

2) The week, when Wii will cost 19,900 yen. Next i supose? It`s not like 5k is such big pricecut. We will see soon.

3) I looked at sales - what effect? MH3 had effect on sales with 90k.

4) SMB will probably sell more in Japan, but FFXIII is a popular hardcore game, which will drive a lot of new owners during first 2-3 months, rather than in long term. And we speak, about who will reach their goal first, so in long term NSMB will bring more owners, but in short term FFXIII is a winner.


1) PS3 was at 55k in Famitsu this week. Usually, spike after games in Japan drops very fast, and PS3 sold 150k - 60k - 55k, it should have stabilized now,
so i expect PS3 to stay in 40-50k range.

2) Yet, FFXIII wil be first 1-2 mln. seller on PS3 in Japan. Those, games you named, are some relatively big francise. Well, in this case FFXIII is first Huge game on PS3 in Japan.
This proves, that there are much more people left, which will get PS3 for some huge titles, rather than on Wii, which already bought it for SMG, SSBB, MK, Zelda, Wii Fit, Wii Sport.

4) People were waiting for pricecut, yet PS3 had spikes during RE5 and FFXIII demo releases.
Now the price is right, and we will see how is strong PS brand is still in Japan. 150k in First week is really good result.

5) Wii will have strong competition this year from PS3 for the first time.
First time huge game on PS3.
First time really affordable price.

What Wii has for first time this year? :)