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Grey21 said:
shio said:
Grey21 said:
There will always be a few computer games that look like they are a generation ahead of the rest but overall it's best to keep the specs low enough to atleast have a couple of million people who could potentially play the game. I also think it's better to have a nice looking game that runs smooth then a very demanding game especially when it comes to PC. Maybe it's because I have nothing buy bad experiences with PC gaming (always something that made it crash, run slow or make it look ugly). If PC gaming wouldn't force consoles and game makers to push it to the limit then graphics wouldn't improve so fast and PC gaming would be more succesful aswell. I know I switched to consoles because I got tired of technical problems with the good looking games. So here is to hoping that PC gaming leads the pack but not with too much of an advantage.

Then it must suck for you to know that consoles are starting to inherit several problems that PC yet, and PC is becoming more-user friendly than ever. There are some people that already argue that PC is more accessible than Xbox 360.

Not yet, I have an Acer 5920G laptop so I can play many computer games and honestly not a single one runs smooth even when we are talking about something old like Stalker or The Witcher. And I'm not even demanding that much when it comes to graphics, I always tune them down to average or below average. And then they run reasonably but they look like shit compaired to 360 games. Same with Oblivion, I got it for PC first since I wanted the mods but it just didn't play well, slowdowns and graphic glitches. I must have spend hours trying to get the most out of it but it never reached the level of the 360 version. Until consoles get upgradable in the same way as PCs that the software can't be buidl exacly around it's specifications then I will always prefer consoles over PC.

You bought a laptop! The main reason anyone buys a laptop is so it could move around, not play games. If you really wanted to play the latest games you would've bought a desktop PC. Anyway, your PC is still enough to play 99.9% of PC games today, and it definitely plays better Oblivion than any console.

But in the last 2 years, PCs have decreased in price tremendously, with almost no PC/Laptops above $100. Nowadays you can buy a laptop for $600 that will play any game in the next 3 years.

The slowdowns and glitches were there because you incorrectly installed the mods. Your own fault.