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Actually, it goes more like this:


1. Buy game either online or in a store.
2. Install game.
3. Realize the game is not patched to the latest version.
4. Download a 500 MB file.
5. Start the game.
6. Reinstall the game because the patch ruined your install. (especially if we're talking EA)
7. Reinstall the patch.
8. Start the game.
9. Stop the game because it's a slide show.
10. Adjust settings.
11. Download the latest drivers for your video card.
12. Buy a new video card.
13. Rinse, wash, repeat.


1. Buy the game.
2. Put it in the box.
3. Download a small update. (On the PS3, you do usually have to sit through an annoying install.)
4. Play the game.

Yes, messing around with your PC is all part of the hobby of PC gaming, but I just personally got really sick of it. Yes, PC gaming is usually what drives the consoles because the research and development is usually all done on the PC, but when you have a 2 year old to feed, PC gaming becomes less and less viable. I could buy 10 games with the amount of money I spent on my last video card.

And finally, no, it is NOT easier to build a decent PC gaming rig and hook it up to an HDTV. I am well aware that PC games can be played with console controllers. (I forget who was challenging me on this, and I really don't care who it was.) I have been playing PC games with an Xbox 360 controller since the day they came out. But Joe Schmoe Gamer who doesn't know anything about anything is NOT going to build a gaming PC and hook it up to the TV.

PC gaming is a niche. It always has been and always will be. And that's probably how it needs to stay. But if you think it's the force that it once was, you are very seriously delusional. I personally left it not only because of the expense, but also because I'm not into RTS or MMO games AT ALL, and those are pretty much the only thing that the PC does anymore that's unique. The consoles are where it's at now, whether they can push the same graphics or not. Sorry.