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Just look at all the features and decide which system is best for you.

When I had to choose between a PS3 and 360, here are the factors that influenced my decision:

1) Console reliability. If I can't play it 10 years from now, why even buy it? Sony has learned a lot about hardware reliability with their last two systems, whereas 360 failure rates were being reported to be anywhere from 10% to 60% (at the time I researched it). Anecdotal evidence also pointed to every one of my friends having owned a defunct 360 at the time. PS3 was a clear winner in this category, although I was a little more uneasy about the warranty (then again, I also knew the 3-year 360 warranty wouldn't be honored anymore at some point in time).

2) Cost. I could've easily afforded a 360 then and now, but I chose to wait for a PS3 because I knew that, over time, a PS3 would cost less thanks to free internet. To be honest, I almost bought a 360 just because I could've enjoyed it immediately, but I'm not quite that impulsive.

3) Teh games. For the most part, I'm a single-player gamer when it comes to consoles. I like beating a game and putting it down for a while, and I lose interest in multiplayer games quickly. The 360 is a social platform that revolves around online, whereas the PS3 is a little less social... but you still have the option to play online if you want (which I do from time to time).

As such, the PS3's exclusives are perfect for me. Valkyria Chronicles, Ratchet and Clank, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Killzone 2, Heavenly Sword, MGS4, inFamous, and Uncharted all have excellent single-player experiences, in my opinion. Future games fall under this umbrella too, such as God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5 (Forza is more of a community racing sim IMO), The Last Guardian, and Heavy Rain. Once again, PS3 won this category for me.

4) Features. Extra features were a bit of an afterthought for me, to be honest. I wanted to use Blu-Ray but I knew the movies were too pricey for my tastes, wifi wasn't necessary... just more convenient, and I didn't own a PSP so PSP-PS3 connectivity wasn't a part of my decision.

The biggest reasons the PS3 won this category for me is because I knew that eventually I'd want to use Blu-Ray for my movie experience, that I'd want to expand my hard drive so I could store my movies on the PS3 for easy access (I have every Disney DVD I own converted to .avi and on my PS3), and because of the added convenience from wifi.

Those are my reasons, but yours may be completely different. Perhaps you don't use your PC for your multiplayer needs like I do (Counter-Strike, Team Fortress 2, Red Alert 2, and sometimes an MMO). Maybe you want a stronger online community to interact with. Maybe you don't care as much about console reliability as I do and a 3-year warranty is enough. I don't know, but I hope you make the right choice for you, because I ****ing love my PS3 and am SO glad I chose it.

Currently playing: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, NBA2k11, Metal Gear Solid, Picross 3d