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Phrancheyez said:
Why did you even post this? This thread is only going to incite ignorance and misinformation, not debate and guidance. And you knew that's all it would do too..

I'm not going to tell you to buy one or the other cuz I'm not going to feed into this crap fest. I think this thread should be closed. This kind of thread is annoying as hell. What you should have done is PM'd a few of the more intelligent fanboys on either side and compared what, say, 3 of each fanboy had to say to what you feel like you want.

Great job making a thread you knew was going to start a flame war!

Wow what a great feeling of community! Seriously I respect the people on these forums and I know they won't misguide me.. Just read the read and you'll see that your post is the one that is most likely going to send this thread off the rails.. Well done!