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With the HD systems lower price points I'm now considering buying one but I'm not 100% on which one I want..

I am interested in the PS3 more than the 360 right now due to Uncharted 2, free online and Blu-Ray but I'm not sure if those three items really outweigh the 360's price advantage and I'm not sure how viable the PS3 is in the long term compared to the 360. I see Natal as much more likely to get meaningful support than Sony's Wand and I own a Wii so Sony's Wand looks like a downgraded experience to me in that respect where as Natal looks different. I must add though that Natal/PS Wand aren't big reasons to pick one over the other as I already own a Wii and I'm not looking for a 'Wii HD' or anything like that.

XBOX 360 hardware failure is another issue I have on my mind and I'm not a fan of Halo so that won't sway me. Also as much as I don't want this to turn into a Forza 3 vs. GT5 debate, these are both titles that I'm highly interested in and so those should be considered.. There aren't that many exclusive titles and I'd like to pick up MW2 and NFS: Shift on whatever console I choose.. 

You guys know more about each console than I do so what do you think?


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