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I think many people are in the same boat that I am and was in. I wanted a PS3 as well, up until the day they announced the price. I have the Wii and am pretty happy with it. I have almost purchased a 360 a few times but have decided not to each time after looking at it's software line up and realizing that it's got mostly PC games which I can play already. The PS3 is the system most different then the Wii and PC and may end up finding a spot in my home at some point. Given that the PS2 had such a large fanbase, it's easy to see that most people would prefer a PS3 if it's games and price matched the PS2. So far though Sony has screwed up pretty bad with it's hardware design and made it too hard for Software developers to push out the game numbers that the PS2 had. If Sony gets it's act together they might take off in sales.

The 360 hasn't had the problems that the PS3 has had, it did have the RROD issue this year but the warranty has made most users happy. It hasn't shown a huge increase in hardware sales even with all the software it's gotten. So software isn't holding the 360 back as much as it is the PS3.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.