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dabaus513 said:
Ripper made an exellent point, the wii is selling hardware like crazy but also has lowest attach ratio for game sold, i believe that was the conclusion from most gaming websites. Honestly with the games the wii has been putting out i cant blame anyone not wanting to buy software. I think if third party games bomb on the wii then it will be considered a hell idk a fad? I hate to say that cause all the nintdrones will shit a brick but if software doesnt sell then that will be the case.

Honestly I want the playstation to be 2nd, if not 1st, extremly unlikely in both events but i want it to happen.

How many million sellers did the 360 have in it's first 10 months? The Wii has had 10... As many will point out, the system with the most hardware sold doesn't need the highest ratio to software as long as the attach rates are ok.

If the Wii sells 18 million pieces of hardware by the end of the year and has an attach ratio of 4. The Wii will have sold 72 million pieces of software.

If the 360 sells 14.5 million pieces of hardware by the end of the year and has an attach ratio of 6. The 360 will have sold 96 million pieces of software during a 2 year stretch.

Given the fact that the Wii will have only been out for a year and a month, the Wii's numbers look pretty incredible. As the gap in hardware grows, the total software sold will also grow. A lower attach rate will still allow you to sell more of your games to that system if the hardware outpaces the competition.

Another point that other's have mentioned before is cost to develop and market your games. Comparing Wii to 360 software sales wise is a bit hard given all the scenarios. In any case both systems have impressive software sales.

The PS2 had a pretty low attach rate during it's first year as well.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.