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sharky974 said:
mario64 said:
pterodactyl said:
Attoyou said:
Love how 360 fanboys pretend the PS3 is a failure just because 360 barley manages to outsell it :P Always Funny.

But if thats the case, after what the PS2 did to the Xbox, The entire Xbox Brand is a FAIL
Same with the Zune and ipod.

People don't call the PS3 a failure because it's in third place in sales. People call it that because it's lost its company billions of dollars.

Xbox 1 and 360 RROD lost MS billions of dollars too.

The playstation business is now profitable, by the way. Whichever way you look at it, it's now MS which is in trouble, not Sony. That's why MS just slashed the elite 360 price twice in a few weeks (first to 299$, now again to 249$).

Being outsold 2:1 like this week on a regular basis by a more expensive competitor would be a terrible performance.

The Playstation business isn't profitable. That division has lost money the last several qaurters/years. Including the most recent. So until you have any proof it's isn't.


BTW, Sony is in such bad shape they have to offer free Blu Ray, free wi-fi, and pay for online themselves to get anybody to buy it at the same price as the competitor (360).

I can't stop laughing at this.