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starcraft said:
Onya Madskills.

I cannot BELIEVE KBG29. That is without a doubt, the worst instance of fanboyism I have ever seen. So desperate is he for the PS3 to succeed that he would trick unsuspecting consumers into purchasing overly expensive equipment when they only needed a relatively cheap HD DVD player.

Do the mod guidelines allow bans to be handed out as a means of safeguarding the world's uninformed from Sony employees?

LOL ... thanks for the good laugh. In the end, the average consumer could care less about BR or HD DVD. The bottom line is - why should someone pay more that has average equipment? I do admire his zeal, though it's very misplaced and biased.

I'm sitting back, waiting to see the YouTube response from a granddad who can't show his grands Transformers on his nice BR player because of some guy who badgered him said HD DVD was the devil ...