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~The Million Sellers Club of 2009~

Hello all, and welcome to the Million Sellers Club of 2009! Here we will be taking a look at all of the titles that manage to pass the much sought after 1,000,000 million mark during the year of 2009, from January 1st to December 31st. Each title that does so will be added to its respectful console "page" in alphabetical order. It doesn't matter when the title was originally released, as long as it passes 1 million in 2009 is it worthy of being added. We're so focused on the sales of the consoles, so why can't we follow the real reason: the games!

Every current Generation Console and Handheld have their own "page" of sorts, seen here:

This post area is for overall sales and other facts incompassing the software sales. So look out for some interesting lists and rankings and see if your favorite console and/or game is doing well compared to everyone else in 2009.

As well as posting games that have already reached the million mark this year, I will also be making a "Ready to Shine" section for future 2009 games that should make it past 1 million by this year. If the right hype/sales trends/etc. are there, then you'll see that game right there below the actual million sellers. It'll be exciting to see how these titles sell and whether they can make it to a million by the end of this year, so be sure to shout out that game that you know will make it, and I'll be sure to put it down!

Also, if you're looking for more than just the million sellers of 2009...

The Rankings:

 1st: Wii (32) 
2nd: DS (30)
3rd: 360 (29)
4th: PS3 (24)
5th: PSP (9)