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I thought Lair and Heavenly Sword were supposed to be big guns. When is the endless parade of, woulda coulda shoulda gonna end for the PS3 guys? The PS3 is going to need a miracle to ever catch the 360 let alone the Wii. The 360 out classes the PS3 where it matters most. Price. Just about everything the PS3 can do the 360 can do, cheaper. The average consumer could care less about Blu Ray or HD DVD right now due to the fact that very few people have a TV and soundsystem that fully take advantage of what the formats offer. The heavy hitters, for the most part, are multiplatform. And let me let you guys in on a secret. The new Console from Microsoft is on its way. They are years ahead of Sony right now. Sony still hasn't settled on a base version of the PS3 yet. It changes every month! I am not a 360 fanboy. I don't own one. I will never own one. One thing I can do is look at reality, and the reality of the situation right now is, the 360 is in a much stronger position than PS3.