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I purchased the 360 version mainly because I'm an achievement whore.

So far I'm not that impressed. The songs don't seem as fun. "Boss Battles" are more like a chore and completely ruin the concept of the game...I play to jam. I don't play to make someone else suck worse than me before time runs out.

The "improved" graphics take the artistic feel out of the game and they completely ruined the appearance of all the characters but the lead female singer and the bassist. The male lead singer looks like a damn catfish!! They ruined my Judy Nails... =(

Product placement runs rampant and the venue environments aren't inspiring.

The HUD is cluttered and the fact that the "Rock Meter" doesn't flash red when you're in danger of failing a song really makes me angry. Star Power activates WAY to easily...seriously...I haven't been able to save one for later use yet!

...and I had to fall back to the X-plorer guitar from Guitar Hero II. The new guitar is to fat. I can't rest my strumming hand on the guitar because the extra distance from the edge of the guitar to the strum bar cramps my wrist. Don't even get me started on the buttons. For the first time in all my Guitar Hero years, my fingers hurt from having to push down so hard.

Sorry...but I can't wait to see if Rock Band saves me from playing the songs just to unlock them all.