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I don't see too much different happening except PS3 sales will go up (They can't really go down)... The question is by how much?

Wii will do fine... Mario stuff and the WiiFit stuff will keep casual gamers buying and bringing new people into the market.

360 will remain steady... Microsoft isn't dumb and they will keep the ship moving forward.

I don't think GTA IV can really be counted upon to help PS3 sales much... With GTA IV episodic content being exclusive to 360 it may actually help 360.

MGS4... It is going to ship at a bad time of the year (April - June). It will do really good and push consoles but not near as many as it would if released at Christmas. Most families can't afford a $300-$400 console + games (MGS4) + accessories outside of the Christmas season...

It will be an interesting year. And it will be the year that defines the generation. Whoever is selling the most per week by next November will win the generation and that's the bottom line.