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I've bought about 4 times as many VC games as I can finish.

Still need to finish MP3. Need to finish Super Metroid (again) as well.

Then I need to figure out how much I'm going to buy this Christmas, argh.


I have a similar problem justifying a PSP purchase. There are 3 games that I want to get that I know will be supermondofantastico (remakes of Megaman X, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and Final Fantasy Tactics) but there's so much stuff on my DS that I don't have the time to play those games. I just can't justify the $300 price tag for 3 PSP games when I could buy 8-10 DS games instead...

Maybe this is what Nintendo meant when they said "not everyone wants a 60 hour epic game."

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.