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Maybe Konami really does just want to polish the game. I don't think that they're waiting for the PS3 numbers to open up. If you remember, the game never really had a solid release date just Q1. Why would they push the game back if they were waiting for the PS3 install base to increase if THE MOST IMPORTANT TIME OF THE YEAR IN TERMS OF SALES is yet to come. Black friday is not here and the Christmas season has barely begun, it's the first of November. If this announcement had been made after a lackluster Christmas then I'd attribute it to sales. But they have yet to see the impact (or lack therof) that the forty gig and the reduced price of the eighty gig sku have had on sales. I do think it was a fact that they wanted to make the game better. It's too early to tell whether it was due to production or sales of the PS3. Most likely, it was due to more time necessary for development. Lots of games across all platforms have been pushed back: Army of Two, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, Unreal Tournament 3, etc. A lot of games have been pushed back on all consoles, maybe they just wanted to wait for the rush of games to be over...