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Hey, that's a nice arguement you made there after like, what, a hundred people?


Now, I play xbox live alot and enjoyed it for the past six years and loved the content it's been givin' out.  And I do enjoy reading articles from guys like these who just write about Microsoft's inhumane corporate skanks.  That's fine.


However, if you truly believe Microsoft's Xbox Live is a fraud, then why not go get a lawyer...AND SUE THE BASTARDS!!!!111!!!*  Seriously...  I mean, Jesus Christ, you people complain so much that Microsoft is ripping you off, yet Xbox Live is getting even more popular without even knowing it.  You just only sit on your chair with your computer and whine and complain; I'm clearly not.  I mean, how come this seem to be big deal.  And I hate this arguement, "The PSN is free afterall, isn't it."  So what?!  What gain will Sony get for a free online service?


"I wanted to lay out my case that Microsoft is clearly over charging for Live and that some of the downloadable content is nothing more then a money grab."


Well, it looks like you already did.  Now, send an invitation to Microsoft for a court meeting.  I would really love to see any justification from both sides.


Come on: you have the evidence, change the world, make shitload 'a money, and have fun.  *dipshit*