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@ stof - You need a fourth mod to make menacing gestures around and behind you guys while the three of you stand there statuesque.

@ blaydcor - That's nice, I'm not going to argue semantics with you, if what you were presenting was a simple opinion it would have ended long ago, now it is an argument, we can't even ignore you without you responding to what we say to someone else with your belittling and dismissive words. I'm not putting up with a second 'Your Mother', this conversation is over.

@ Topic - I don't think I'm going to support this game and will probably sell it back (not that it will do much good), I know that sounds extremely petty and childish, and perhaps it is, but I don't want this. If the first ZX was in english, I could at least tell myself, well that's just the way this series is going to be, but no, they've given me a taste of what it could be and now have shown me what it isn't.

This is like reliving the horrible days of the Megaman X games on the PS and PS2 with the horrible voice acting.

I'm going to try and contact Capcom and voice my concerns and can only hope others do the same, there's obviously not enough concern for any kind of petition so chances are I'm looking at a lost cause, but I can't just settle for this, I can't relieve the days of Megaman on the PS and PS2. I just can't...