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I was going through some hardware numbers and noticed some pretty interesting numbers:


PS2 @ End of 1st year: 7,357,952

PS2 @ End of 2nd year: 24,620,987


Just interesting to think that the Wii is nearing the end of its first year with probably around 13.5-14m or so (we shall in the next few weeks) and the current discussion going on in the sales section seems to indicate most folks think the Wii will finish its second year around around 34-35m (or 52m if you go by JohnLucas). 

PS - Keep in mind that end of first/second year is mid November not Jan 1st '08/'09. 


PPS - If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.  As you will note the topic is "Backpat" and as such you are required to stay on topic

To Each Man, Responsibility