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10. Genesis - Out of Pity for Sega I'll include them in this list

9. 3DO - Yeah it was a pile of shit, but I gotta give some love to my first ever console. Only game I ever played on it was Need For Speed. It was pretty high tech though, too bad it was $700 or something like that.

8. Wii - Yeah, yeah...introduced casual gaming...whatever...your parents will love it...*yawn*...Well the Wii is a good console but it loses marks for its high number of casual/party games, its lack of good online play, and a lack of good (non-nintendo) games. Also I hate motion controls, they should be optional, not the main focus of the console.

7. N64 - Had great Nintendo games like Zelda, mario, pokemon stadium, goldeneye, perfect dark, etc. It also had virtually no load times b/c of the cartridges. I guess the reason its only 7th is because I don't like mario or Zelda that much and I find the controller to be pretty lousy. Plus I never owned one, I had a PS1. Pokemon Stadium FTW though.

6. Playstation 3 - Blu Ray + Amazing graphics + Best exclusives this gen + solid 3rd party support + free online = Fantastic console. The high price and the fact theres is no God of War or Gran Turismo yet holds it back.

5. Super NES - Sick games, way better then Genesis. Again it was before my time but it was a great console.

4. Xbox 360 - Awesome online, great graphics, 3rd party support, Amazing controller. Mediocre exclusives keeps it in 4th place. (yeah I hate gears of war)

3. NES - This console was before my time but I can appreciate how good the games were and how revolutionary it was

2. PS1 - Huge number of great games, CD based beats Cartridge. Put Sega and Nintendo in their place.

1. PS2 - Huge library of great games, DVD player included, Great controller, Great exclusives, well priced. Lived up to the huge hype.