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People on every site looks down their nose at people on every other site. It's internet rivalry. Don't for a second think that we don't do the same thing on this site.

VGChartz is awesome. Pure and simple. It does have some flaws however. Most of them are easilly explainable. Take adjustments, for example. There's no insight into when, how or why any number is adjusted. Meaning you can quote numbers now and they might be wrong in 10 minutes with no notice or warning whatsoever.

But how else could you run the site, really? You go by the best available information, and you update your numbers if you get additional, better information. If you have 1000 updates a week, you don't really want to advertise every single one of them. It's just not feasible.

Really, if you look at it from the wrong angle, VGChartz looks like a guessing factory with no integrety. Especially if you have an agenda, and VGChartz numbers don't agree with it.

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