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Sweep said:
Aion said:
Yeah the 360 has graphics on par with ps3.

IMHO : "360 had graphics on par with PS3"

I think the tables are starting to turn, now that 3 rd party developpers are beginning to use the CELL to help the RSX

And while the Xenos is a bit superior to the RSX, I don't think it can't beat a CELL+RSX combo.

The only problem is that 3rd party games versions are build to match each other and can't use all the respective power of each console

Then how come most 3rd party games look worse on the PS3?

Are developers to blame?

Or Sony?

When you say "had" are you talking about the time before Killzone 2?

What about Forza 3? Won't that game raise the console graphics bar when it's released before Uncharted 2, at least for a time?

What multiplatform developers have succeeded on the PS3 in terms of graphical superiority? Any?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.