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NJ5 said:

Wow, the Xbox 360 version of PES actually sold more than the PS3 version? I thought that the football lovers were mostly staying with the Playstation brand, but it seems that many of them migrated to the 360 from the PS2.

And regarding PC sales, it's not going to be like that in many European countries... PES sells quite well on PC in Portugal and in Germany for example.


Well, some places have reported the PS3 version has some pretty crappy slowdowns... and by some places, I think the desginer himself said so.  That and the UK seems to be a Hybrid American/Europe market.

They hold more Europeon prefrences, yet console buying wise they seem to lean more towards the American market.  I'd assume this is because they got a lot more earlier videogames from Nintendo and the like as opposed to other parts of europe that didn't get to many serious offerings until the Playstation era.