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I don't think the PS3 has a hard time selling software. In fact, I think it's on part with the 360.

I DO, however, think the PS3, and the Wii, have a much harder time launching new IP's, than does the Xbox.

I'm not sure why, but gamers, and a vast majority of PS3/Wii owners, want games they've played before, in new versions, much more than they want new and interesting IPs. So do 360 owners, of course, but they are also willing to buy new IPs. Look at the success of games like even Shadow Complex, to name a recent one.

I think that MS has the ability to launch a new IP marketing campaign on a much broader scale.

Also, I think that despite it being an unpopular idea, America still launches entertainment trends in gaming, and having a wide following in America, can quickly spread to europe, so launching a new IP like Fable, and having it be instantly popular in America, can cause worldwise success, and create an instant franchise.

If MS launched Infamous on the 360 and marketed it as a top tier game, it would have sold much better, imo.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.