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HappySqurriel said:
Slimebeast said:
^I'll bump this thread every year til we have a computer generated game scene with that quality and detail.

To make my point clearer to you one last time ...

The XBox 360 is (roughly) equal to a 4 or 5 year old high-end PC, Crysis 2 will probably not be released for another 2 to 3 years, and it is likely that (if they maintain the strategy they followed with Crysis) a high-end PC 2 to 3 years after its release will be able to play Crysis 2 at full detail. What this means is that hardware that is as much beyond the XBox 360 as the XBox 360 is above the N64 may be required to play Crysis 2 at full detail.

Regardless of whether this is (or is not) a real screenshot, it is not unrealistic to expect that Crytec could produce a screenshot which is equally as impressive that is representitive of Crysis 2; but that wouldn't be represented in game for quite some time.

Well a forest mod from Crysis 2 or a demo showing from 'CryEngine 4' at a games convention will do fine. I agree and understand that it will take at least an Xbox 3 to run that properly.

But I don't think that still will be enough for truly life-like graphics like the forest scene in the OP. For that I beleive it will require a 100 times more powerful comp (compared to say a X360 or even a HD 4870 X2 equipped Quad Core), like the targeted 2015 hardware Nvidias CEO was talking about the other day.