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What people are missing is the idea that many people have an HD system and a Wii. (Look at gamefaq's current poll: 45.~% of respondents have one, or both, HD systems and a Wii.) In that case, why release the same game on both? You're either going to get a watered down Wii port, which people will hate, or, in order to keep the two versions similar, you'll have to water down the quality of the HD release in comparison to its competition (HD only titles). As an owner of a 360, I will always buy multiplatform games on the XBOX, avoiding Wii ports. And the notion of a Wii to HD port is so ludicrous (you lose what the Wii does well: motion controls, AND what HD does well: graphics) that it's no suprise that we haven't seen many (if any) of those.

Face it, the Wii and HD are just too different to share games. Again, each does something really well, be it motion controls or graphics. You can't have both, and whining and abusing developers isn't going to change that. Dead Space was awesome on HD, but I don't think it would be as good with lesser graphics. The Wii can do really great shooting gallery games, something that traditional consoles have always blown at. If they do it right, it will be a good game that wouldn't otherwise work on an HD system.

What's wrong with having great Wii games on Wii and great HD games on HD? It's like people complaining that the Sporting Goods store doesn't sell pin-striped suits and that the Business Attire store doesn't sell sweats.