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If I were a Nintendo CEO then I would sit on my laurels and do nothing...the casuals are my sheep, and my fields are full of beautiful green grass for them to eat, business is booming, and profits are soaring.

What is that you say about locust, bah, we are immune to it, and just like Jupiter's mass gravitation pull protects earth from asteroids, Sony protects us from locust.

What is that you say about Sony getting back in the game cuz of the price cut, hahaha don't make me laugh, my sheep are a loyal to me, and before you even ask, Microsoft are the helots and we are the Spartans...and if you know history you know how controls who, krypteia FTW!!!

What is that you say about back up plan?, No, their is no back up plan for a revolt from the helots or a resurgence of Sony, do you know why?
We don't need one ever, we rule, and unlike any large kingdom, ours will not collapse...if you persist with your blasphemous questions I will have you executed.

Yes this power is awesome and none shall rob me of it, NONE!!! -[Satoru Iwata]