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super_etecoon said:
theARTIST0017 said:
Ok wow. Thank you for annoiting me as CEO you guys can stop clapping now. What's up Denise :) Reggie what's good. Satoru . . . sorry but I must fufil the dream of Nintendo gamers worldwide. You did a good job though I will continue where you left off.

First. I have to give it to Retro Studio's. Good job with the Metroid series but personally I prefer the style that Tecmo is taking the series in, you know more focused on a third person perspective, but again good job. I played your beta version of Star Fox Wii. Wow I'm impressed this is definately going to be the best Star Fox game.

As for the competition, well, at this point in time I don't consider them competition. They have reduced their prices multiple times but it has not affected the Wii in any serious way. But, that doesn't meen we shouldn't cater to our fans. So come this holiday season I want to see the black wii, wiith black wiimote, nunchuck, and motion plus accesories launched no excuses. I also want to see the classic controller pro lauched this holiday season in both black and white.

I don't want Wii Sports Resort nor NSMB Wii to be packed in and I know that may dissapoint, oh what the hell pack in NSMB Wii with the Wii for $279.99 US.

As for the Virtual Console. I want every game to have a playable demo. I want the prices cut on some games. I want games to be updated constantly. I also want a ' Suggestions Board ' where people can log on to and suggest what game they want to come out the next Monday. The game which gets the most vote wins.

R&D I want you to start developing a 60 GB Harddrive for Wii immediately.

This is just the start of some things I would fix if I were CEO

Well done.


Now I want to see one of those Wii haters come in and try to top this role play.

C' the CEO sabateur and help sink the Ninty ship.


I'm not a Wii hater, but let me try...


So as your new CEO elected to replace Iwata, an incompetant fool who obviously led Nintendo to its doomz, my first matter of business is to release a new Wii HD. That's right! It's everything you've been waiting for! By the way, the HD stands for Home Depot. That's because we have partnered with the company to bring the first ever Toilet Installation controller. That's right! You can install your very own toilet and get graded with a "toilet installation age". Last time I played I was 62, Waghh! And that is just the first in our line of bathroom installation periphrals!

Another matter of importance is our online multiplayer. What were we thinking with friend codes, eh? Yeah... too short! They are way to easy to memorize and that presents some kind of security risk or something. We have to obviously make the codes longer. Therefore we are increasing the codes from 16 digits to 64. You know, like Nintendo 64! Cleaver, eh?

Another thing is Wii Speak. We have been supporting this too much! Therefore we are cutting support for Animal Crossing. We are also cutting the Mario and Zelda franchises and focusing all our energy on Wii Music 2 and Virtual Boy DS. 

Let's also add a blu-ray and retail it for 599 US dollars. It will be okay as long as we have a game with GIANT ENEMY CRABS.


Okay that was fun. EVEN THEN, they would still beat MS and Sony!