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zackblue said:

Ive seen you bash the ps3 before, and sony itself, but you have to stop. Its only a gaming machine not the devil. Nothing on pc or xbox 360 or ps3 or wii looks better than ratchet and clank. What does that say?

Whats my point? You constantly try to make the xbox 360 look and seem to be the better system for gaming, I have to agree it is for now. I own all 3 and enjoy the 360 the most(halo 3..), but programmers and developers all alike have confirmed and stated the ps3 is better hardware. Please dont spin this into more of your B$ bashing. Ive had enough sony bashing for a day.

Also that statement "Best system loses, weakest system wins" Is wrong, dreamcast was weaker than ps2, and it was wiped out by the ps2, Playstation has always won, that has nothing to do with its weak it wins statement, we all like good graphics.

Wii is winning because its an innovative sucess.

1. The devil doesn't exist, and I dont think the PS3 would be it if he did.

2. Where did I mention the 360 here, or make it sound superior to the PS3?

3. Where did I state that the PS3 was bad hardware? I only said it was more difficult to program for, which I hardly consider B$

3. How was I bashing Sony? He seemed to be stating that the difficulty to program for wasn't much of a problem, and may even be a benefit. I think thats a very bad argument and I refuted it. Sorry if you thought that was needless Sony bashing.

4. I've said in other threads that the "strongest system always wins" is just a funny coincidence, and nothing to make predictions off of.

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away"