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hmm. i've never played MMORPG's, or any of these XBox live games. are they all like this?

now i have a better understanding to Nintendo's logic!

it's nice, a company that dares to forego profit to provide the gamer an enjoyable experience, instead of having to deal with this kind of crap.

on a related note, i've always hoped for a way to encourage civil conversations in forums, like making revealing identity a must. that's the problem Wikipedia is having with reliable sources, and they're beginning to move in the direction of contributor identification.

Could Nintendo actually be a step ahead of the curve? It would be truly, truly remarkable if they really are, as opposed to just a coincidence.

I'm guessing coincidence... that just appears to be too much foresight. but either way the end result could be revolutionary... the best case scenario (a fanboy wish!) would be to introduce a model for other online networks to follow.

the Wii is an epidemic.