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yo_john117 said:
hardyhar said:

I fork out money for Live because it has cross-game chat, a proper invites/join system PS3 does only have this on a game by game basis, a party mode for up to 8 players, demos of every downloadable game, most demos of boxed games before PSN does (in some cases, PSN doesn't get them at all) very rare, sometimes PS3 gets them first as well, cheaper DLC a lot of the time No, just no, maybe by a few pence, but nothing significant, free game videos/shows I can watch via Inside Xbox useless, voice messaging, a proper reputation system so I can easily ignore retards basically everyone has 5 stars it means nearly nothing, 6 different communication channels that I can switch between whenever I like, 1 Vs. 100 with real prizes and so on. It's 50 pence a week mate, about the same as a small bar of chocolate actually most bars of chocolate are like 50p. Later this year/early next year I will get Facebook, Twitter,, Sky TV not free with gold, Zune Video Marketplace and instant play 1080p streaming movies too are the movies coming to the UK as well? That would be good. What features will I get in the next PS3 update? Animated themes and a redesigned friends list? lol. Well and a video store (though that is coming later), and improved trophy functionality, but we can ignore that. We can also ignore the vidzone expansion if you want?

Everyone has a PC, so if you're going to argue that Facebook, Twitter etc. on the 360 is useless because you can do it for free on the PS3, I'd say that's useless as I can do it for free on my PC, and I can use a proper web browser to do it. The difference is, the 360 features will be integrated into the dashboard, so it offers a different experience to using a web browser and therefore it's attractive for different reasons. The PS3 does an inferior job to a PC and that's it. But what is the point of having them on your console in the first place when the PC is clearly going to offer the best version

Well said sir!

Except half of it is not true...

But yes XBL probably offers loads of extra stuff