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Whelp, looks like there is a double hanging this time around. Ufortunately for you guys as you drag WoW off the the gallows to be strung up, it becomes painfully obvious that you just lynched another townie. A shame that you guys seem to love killing them so much. Are you all mafia or something?

Well I suppose there is a chance with Insomniac. I would like to draw this out as much as possible with night actions and the like, but there really isn't a point. The characters left really only have one option each. c03 will toss and turn filled with the guild of the many innocents he has killed. Zexen will be awake sneaking around, and ultimately killing the fly that has haunted him these last three days. The last mafia was killed after all. What else is there to do?

Townies win!

Who is up for another round?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229