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disolitude said:
Welcome back.

1. there is no brand loyalty in USA. those PS2 owners have moved on to Wii or 360. Or they find next gen still too expensive. And 299 isn't going to change that otherwise they would have picked up a 360 long time ago.

2. You don't know what you're talking about when talking about signs of "slowing down" Xbox 360 is the only console that is up YoY. And wii hasn't had a price cut since launch. If Wii all of a sudden comes out and announces 169 Wii console, PS3 slim price cut will be last weeks news.

3. There is no chance in hell Sony will outsell wii this holiday season. You don't know what happens to the wii for becomes THE perfect gift.

there we go we have the best answer on this thread.. after all the big bold part is to show what happens to wii sales when holidays come around especially this year because this holiday and next year will be the best year for wii owners who want third party support as this holiday season and next year proves that wii is getting a lot of great third party games and i would say that wii third party line up is as good as ps3's and 360's if not better. also what aout SMG2, NSMBWii, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Metroid Other M, Zelda Wii and more... The big bolded words show that wii sales grow bigger and bigger as holidays come around.

the other bold words that are normal size also show that is a fact.. cause if a 169 or even a 199 wii came out ps3 slim would be old news from like a year ago...also 360 is keeping up with its own yoy sales and sometimes even does better than last what about a 299 elite? then there is forza to compete with GT5 so there you have it.

oh and the last part i forgot to say... There is no chance in hell Sony will outsell wii this holiday season.

also i would like to thank disolitude for pointing out the things...
