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I don't think we're in risk of graphics being downplayed, at least drastically, honestly once we get to the maximum potential of the ps3 and x360 how much better are things going to get? I hardly think after this gen people are going to worry about pretty graphics, I do think we are going to put emphasis more on physics and AI, like fully destructible environments and alot more motion that's AI based. But I do think what the next gen will take from Nintendo is motion based controls, and a desire to innovate a little more in the gameplay arena. Sony keeps trying to tell us how fun that eye toy thing is but they don't even bother packing it with the system so no one makes use of it. That in my opinion is really a lack of balls. Microsoft too, they came out with all kinds of gizmos for the pc, and they hardly try to innovate gameplay on the console market.

 As far a party games go, even Nintendo is going exclusively party, they still produce Mario Galaxy, Fire Emblem, Super Parper Mario, Zelda, Metroid. Other traditional styles like Smash Bros. Project Hammer, Day of Crisis, and I'm sure a few more. Wii health/music/sports/play/warioware/Mario party are still the minority of their catalog. I think they will realize much like reality tv people can only take so much of one thing.