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bardicverse said:
The linked article and view of the OP are dumber than Helen Keller.

The only way 360 or PS3 can catch the Wii at this stage is if they sell their systems for $100.

That's it, that's all. Plain and simple. There's a much tougher market to sell to now that the systems have been out 3-4 years respectively. Price cuts are designed to maintain steady sales instead of a continuing downward trend. They DO NOT bring the sales numbers back to launch.

The majority of the development world see Natal and PS3 motion as "me too" devices to draw casual games. The issue is, since its HD, it will cost more to make a casual HD game than a casual Wii game, plus Wii has the casual market already.

Translation - Natal and PS3 motion will only provide "Wii-like" control experience to the current userbases, not do much to increase sales.

That's it, that's all.

Yeah... the fact that the controllers don't come with the console and probably won't be packaged with a huge selling title of something like Wii Sports Resort, few publishers will descide to support the devices, much like the PS Eye (which is one of the requirements of the PS3 Wand no less) and then Natal acts much like the PS Eye just a more advanced version.  One of the things Nintendo stated when they came up with the Wii remote was why didn't they go with something like the motion cameras like the PS2 did and they said customers would rather have something in their hands to play their games abd doing so also makes the controller versitile.

The main reason Nintendo has won this gen is because they listen to people, their line of thinking has always been making games that make people smile, things they enjoy, people would rather feel like they're swinging a bat instead of swinging their hands to simulate a bat which a camera will pick up and emulate. Motion controls have a long ways to go on all fronts but I think the camera idea has been tried multiple times now and have yet to really take off, so why beat a dead horse?

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000