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Trolling is intentionally posting in such a manner that will insight a strong negative response from others that view said post. Usually out of a desire to cause misery for ones own amusement. To be honest I really don't see how this post would qualify as trolling, or how anyone can consider it to be an effort to troll. There just isn't any antagonism in the first post to be found. Unless you consider the mere act of asking a obvious question to be trolling.

You really need to review what trolling is. This has probably been the least confrontational thread to discuss any aspect of the console war today, and frankly it doesn't seem as if anyone else is feeling strong negative emotions about the thread. The original post was civil so most of the post has been civil. What do you know for the most part we are civilized.

Trolling is a ugly word, and shouldn't just be flung about carelessly. Reserve it for those posters and posts that deserve it. They aren't that hard to find on these forums after all. How many posters each day get banned for trolling.