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Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
psrock said:
But this is not a new console Zen, it's the same console, just slimmer.

I'm not saying it WILL have problems, but the last two redesigns by Sony, the PS2 slim, and the PSP slim had overheating, and dead pixil problems in the first batches of those released, to the point where most of them were actually returned.

I hope it doesn't have problems, but with the lack of any real upgrade in my eyes, I just don't see the point in chancing it.

In fact, in my personal opinion, I think the PS3 slim is just a normal PS3 built by parts from the lowest bidders(cheapest shit they could find), and probably was never meant to be as good as the phat. That's why it looks so shoddy, and that's why it's affordable.

Cool, let's see if it has a 50% fail rate.  Or way less.

Just because it doesn't fail, doesn't mean it's not shitty, or inferior. See dead pixils, slower loading times, overheating problems, dres, and all the other stuff we've seen from Sony launch consoles in the past.

WTF, I am NOT comparing this to the 360. I'm just stating what anyone who gave half a seconds unbiased thought to the matter would already know. I'm sorry if my belief doesn't fit in with the lie you've formed around Sony in your head.

Their shit, believe it or not, doesn't start perfect. Gaming consoles evolve over a generation. The slim might as well be a whole new system, and you shouldn't buy it unless you're a gambler. It's NOT a safe purchase. It is unproven. We don't know how technically sound or reliable it is, and claiming otherwise is nothing short of a complete and utter lie. Your reasonings as to what it "SHOULD" be aren't what it "WILL" be and until we know what it "WILL" be, I wouldn't shell out 300 dollars on it, when there is a proven, and soon to be rare reliable alternative already available in the phat, which isn't pieced together as cheaply as freakin' possible.

Enjoy the slim. I hope it burns the hell up, honestly, not so I'll be proven right. Truth is, I'm already right. The slim might not have bugs, but launch consoles usually do, and nothing that happens in this case can change that shit. I hope it burns the hell up so that some of you will figure that out, and not go buying crap just because it's new. Early adopters get screwed more than any consumers in human history. Learn that, the easy way or the hard way.

Learn it:

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.