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DoesWhatNintenDont said:

I'm really grateful for your knowledge and input on all this.

I like the fact that you have narrowed down the gaming divisions of Sony and Microsoft’s respectfully. It's a rather steep fall for Sony from the looks of your chart.

Considering that PS2 only made two billion, and I'm sure Sony lost more money attempting to get into the gaming market, I have a feeling they made less with Playstation than they did with PS2.

Especially since they seemed to introduce, at least effectively, significantly pricing their units lower than the actual production cost of their console hardware.



Thanks, it's appreciated! Sony's 07 loss is still their forecast though, same for Nintendo's. MS' 07 loss is not even a forecast, just my ballpark figure. About Sony and Nintendo we will know for sure in a couple of days. MS' financial year ends in June, though quarterly results for the March quarter will tell us more soon.

To assess the PS1 you would probably have to look at software sales for that time, too. Weren't they bigger? I don't trust vgchartz' historic data anymore like I used to, so it would be searching in old annual reports again to find out.

On the quality of my numbers, I'd like to see somebody challenging it. I don't have any knowledge in that field, just took the numbers out of the reports. Maybe the PS2 made more than $2 billion, but I'd like to see the calculation for that.

As it stands, Microsoft would have to pull of at least 2 generations of PS-like market dominance to recover the XBox 1 losses alone.

Edit: Thanks Eric, I'll move to that thread.

Hardcore gaming is a bubble economy blown up by Microsoft's $7 $6 billion losses.