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disolitude said:
MontanaHatchet said:
TRios_Zen said:
MontanaHatchet said:

A lot changed. A console that was previously distant from a mass market price is now much more affordable. And while you swear by Metacritic ratings, it still doesn't occur to you that most people don't care. If you said the 360 has a gaming library with an all around higher quality than that of the PS3, I would agree with you. But if you really need to brag about that in a thread just because of some obvious insecurities, I feel bad for you. Some people would rather play the main PS3 games over the main 360 games. A lot of people would rather play Gran Turismo than Forza. They might not care that the 360 has some really nice versions of The Orange Box, Rock Band, and Braid. This thread isn't putting anything in perspective. It is insecurity at its finest, and it's an embarrassment to 360 owners. Thanks for that.

Given the amount of PS3 love/360 hate threads lately, I think you are being a bit unfair.  Enjoying your console of choice and talking about that with people who are of like mind is a big draw on boards like these.

I'm not sure I'm seeing what you stand to gain for calling him out so harsly on his opinion.  You don't have to agree with him, but his opinion is nowhere NEAR the most inflammatory threads I've seen these last couple of days.

I agree, but that's not what he's doing at all. I'm not required to agree with him, and I don't. I don't care if this isn't as inflammatory as some other thread I haven't seen, it's still bad. And just because someone else makes a trolling/hateful thread, that doesn't mean another person should make a similar thread in response. That makes them just as bad.

That's right, 360 fanboys. You're lowering yourself to the level of PS3 fanboys. You can't criticize them now.

Im sorry but nowhere in my OP do i say "don't buy the PS3" nor do I slander the PS3 in a non factual way.

This is a 360 thread, in a 360 forum for 360 owners. There are so many threads in th last few days that are based on pure speculation on PS3 sales, slim features, doom and gloom... Not much speculation in this one. Its just a basic reality check for a 360 owner.

Think of it this way, Xbox had achievements...and then PS3 made trophies since they needed something similar. Well this forum was full with PS3 optimism for the last few days, and here is some 360 optimism.

Wow, and did I ever say that you said that? I'm all for console feel good threads. If you wanted to point out that the 360 is a great gaming machine with great media features and the best online on the market, I'd give you a great big high five. If you feel it necessary to make head to head comparisons with the PS3 on things like Metacritic scores (*yawn*) and sales, it's just a great big sign of insecurity. It's the same "defensive mode" that's been donned by PS3 fanboys before. And if this is in the 360 section, why mention the PS3? Why mention it at all? I'm sure there were a lot of stupid threads based around the slim release, but your thread is equally stupid by responding to them. You're basically admitting that you have no restraint, and that you allow fanboys to mess with you. If the forum was full of PS3 optimism threads with no 360 hate, I approve. If it wasn't, I don't. And I certainly don't approve of this thread.