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Honestly? I'd be shocked if 360 still beats PS3. And I'll tell you why..

At $299, compared to the Elite model, even 360 enthusiasts should be able to see the value is amazing. It's a MUCH better value than the 360 Elite. I guess there are die hards who are avidly against one console or the other, so I don't expect everyone to buy one..but if you're a gamer and you're into good games and great value, I can't see anyone who was 'sitting on the fence' passing this up. A LOT of people were waiting for this price cut..I know 2 people personally who are buying the slim. That's not a lot, but they're also the only 2 friends I have without a PS3.

When it comes down to it, in terms of overall value, I see the PS3 selling like hotcakes as long as it's marketed right. No knock on the 360 - it still has some great exclusives that makes it worth the purchase as well, however I expect most people still looking to jump into this generation to see the gap in value and chose a PS3.

Also, PS3 owners who wanted a 360 already got it when the 360 went to the $199 arcade. 360 owners who want a PS3 haven't gotten one yet because the PS3 just came down to a reasonable price. I see a lot of 360 owners who have thought to themselves, 'You know, Uncharted looks good, and I really want to play GOW 3 when it comes out. GT5 looks good too, but I can't pay $399+ for something when I can already get 90% of the games on the console I have, and still have exclusives to that console.' Now that the console is $299, a lot of those people 'content' with their 360 that have 'looked' at PS3 games are more likely to jump in. Good games, no membership movie service, Blu-Ray, good exclusives, why wouldn't anyone who enjoys video games not be interested? Doesn't mean they all have to buy it, though.