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it's a possibility that what you say could happen, but when you look at the big picture I simply don't see it happening.

If you look at the past trends, one can see that near the beginning the 360 was only out selling the PS3 by a small margin, and that's when you consider that the PS3 was still the most expensive console despite it's value. Also dont forget that the PS3 has not had a price cut in almost 2 years, while the 360 has. So now fast-forward to today and you have a situation where allot of people holding off initially will be getting one this holiday season because for the 1st time the PS3 can really show it's value factor when priced exactly like the 360, and that's a big factor for a consumer willing to spend 300 bucks, I mean they'll look at both machines and then see that one does everything + blu-ray and the other does not all while costing the same, and that in any language or culture is a straight up bargain.

So we end up with a higher probability that the PS3 will not only out sell the 360 in the short term but also the long term...of course none of us have any hard proof to prove which way it'll go, but one thing is clear, slim versions sell tons and tons of console, look at the PSP and DS and even the PS2 for proof of that.