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ironman said:
Grey21 said:
Gabe Newell is a Microsoft fanboy... wait he's more then that, he's an ex-Microsoft employee. Apparantly he loves Windows (as his child) and only left because he wanted to make games. If he has a grudge against Sony then it's because the PS2 wiped the floor with Microsoft's original xbox.

As for the line-up you've posted, maybe it's because they aren't my genres but it doesn't blow me away. 2010 will be a good year for both HD consoles (game-wise atleast) but then I'm looking at the full year. But I doubt it's going to make a big difference, all sequels so if anyone wanted those titles then they would have gotten a 360 already. It's going to end up being about what the cheapest deal is the parents/mainsteam gamers can find during the holiday season.

Well somebody's pissed's a cookie, does that make it better?

Given the fact that the origional Xbox was MS first attempt at a gaming system, You could hardly say that Sony wiped the floor with them, any other console just starting out would have done the same. MS was just setting up for this gen when it would be payback time. Also, if Gabe didn't like Sony, his studio never would have made games for a Sony console, geniouse. 

I'd like to point out that Sony's first console wiped the floor with everyone else, not the other way around. and Nintendo had a far, FAR bigger monopoly than Sony ever did, so in retrospect, MS could potentially wiped the floor with Sony, especially considering how flawed the PS2 was/is. (eg. it's fun to have to write 70% of a game in assembly language on a crappy compiler) 

I'm not saying that MS failed because they didn't destroy Sony the way Sony destroyed Nintendo in 1995, but the fact they were on their first console has nothing todo with the fact that Sony owned them. Sony was just smarter last gen than either MS or Ninty. and that really helped them this gen didn't it...

Also, Gabe Newell is a MS fanboy and anyone who denies it seriously needs to get their brain checked. However, I can guarentee you that given the opportunity to make millions of dollars by publishing a game on a console other than the Xbox, he will do so no matter how much he hates Sony/Ninty. I mean seriously, let's say you are the most diehard MS fanboy of all time and you really do hate Sony and Ninty (why you would is beyond me, but hey...). If someone gave you hundreds of millions of dollars for kinda sorta helping them out, would you spurn that offer? not a chance.

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it