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I think Wii Sports should be on the charts. Even if comes with the Wii outside Japan, it still is a game, that without people would buy a game with the Wii. Which in most cases would be Wii sports. Super Mario Bros. is in the charts, and it was included in most NES's sold. And if you don't count in bundled games, you count out all the games, which has been bundled with any hardware, or at least the bundled quantity. Even that you don't count in minesweeper etc. in PC market, you do count in all the Windows's sold bundled with hardware. Right? It's pretty hard for casual people to find a PC without Windows in the supermarkets. If you wouldn't count the Windows bundle for sold software, guess which one has bigger market share, Windows's sold separately or Linuxes downloaded?

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.