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MikeB said:
For those who claim the Mario Galaxy spherical world approach is true innovation:

I wouldn't have minded if the new Mario game would include some spherical world sublevels like previous Ratchet and Clank games did, but I think they have overdone it by basing the whole concept on the micro-planet approach.

Who does that? Sonic did it before Mario. Hell, even Wario did it before Mario. What's innovative about Mario is how he does it - what design elements are used to take advantage of it. And no, the entire game isn't based on the concept of spherical worlds. In fact, quite a bit of it isn't. Just so you know.

As for Sunshine, that's just another example of Nintendo innovation. Yes, it wasn't exactly what most people wanted/expected, but it wasn't just "more Mario" either. No new games would be made if developers never took any chances.