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I doubt a Wii version is in the works, simply because it would require a large team and a bigger budget then say a handheld title. A DS title could happen but 7-12 aren't on DS yet bot oh well.


Most likely the port not mentioned will be the release of FF13 on the 360. I bet a port is in the works already because of the PS3's failure to really impact the North American market. This port is very possible because Microsoft has financially encouraged Square-Enix to support 360 in the past.

A 360 port will benefit Square-Enix because the FF13 will sell out in Japan where PS3 is dominant while selling out in North America where 360 is dominant all while keeping the game truely next gen and not having to spend to much in adapting the differnet versions.

With Microsoft's efforts to bring games like GTA4 to 360 alongside PS3 I could easily see MS trying to get FF13. This would benefit Microsoft in Japan too. When Japanese gamers go to upgrade from their PS2's to get FF13 they will notice the 250USD 360 Premium sitting next to the 600USD PS3. In Japan Microsoft cut its price to compete with the Wii. This would mean that rather then spending 400USD more on a PS3 for the new FF13 they could spend only 250USD and get the same game on the 360 not to mention other hits like Blue Dragon I believe it was called (By Artoon)

This seems to be the most likely scenario! 


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer